About me


Thanks for coming to my minuscule corner of the internet!
I’m a 15 year old software developer (hobbyist?) from Wales 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
My interests are typically a wide area of things ranging from tinkering with embedded projects, DevOPs and computer science to 3d design and science.

Studying for GCSE’sComputer science, product design and triple science (.┰ω┰.)

Contact me!

What I use (I have no clue what I’m meant to put on this website so this filler will have to do)

Everything I use, along with configuration files and theming, is available in my Nix dotfiles Nix logo with sunglasses on

Code editor

I use Doom Emacs since I can use both Emacs bindings and VIM bindings in a great looking GUI with low resource usage. Catppuccin Mocha as well btw.

I no longer use Emacs in favor of Neovim. Emacs was just too buggy and a pain to get working.

I have used other editors in the past, for example VScode, but I never really liked them.


I daily drive macOSHowever it has been hardened using this guide but I use LinuxSpecifically NixOSNixOS logo on server and any other machine.
I am never touching that vile piece of software called “Microsoft Windows” ever again. I hate Microsoft

Language of choice Rust

I don’t really have a language of choice, I will just go with whatever is easiest or that I want to use. However, I am quite fond of Rust.

Web-browser Mozilla

I only use the finest browser. Which is, of course, Firefox.
In all seriousness, I use hardened version of Firefox as my web-browser.
I may switch back to Librewolf at some point since I dislike quite a few thingse.g. The Firefox profiles in Firefox.

I’ve also been thinking of switching to a webkit based browser, since Firefox is a bit of a sinking ship, but I haven’t heard of any good FOSS webkit browsers.

Nyxt also looks pretty cool as it's engine agnostic and hackable like Emacs.

Other stuff

Programming languages I know or want to learn
  • Rust (segfaults scare me)
  • Python (I can't imagine actually using this without Nix, virtual envs are actual hell)
  • JS (Pretty fun, amazing to use with sveltekit o(>ω))
  • Swift (May aswell if I'm going to be a soyboy macOS user)
  • Java (Having a job in the future sure sounds real nice)
  • SQL (technically not a language but (also its pronounced ESS-QUE-ELL))
Stuff I wanna mess around with / things I want to do
  • Go to a Will Wood concert and meet the fellow (He makes the funky music)
  • Graphics programming (I just think it'd be fun to do)
  • ML (It's just pretty cool. Also theres an NPU in apple silicon so I may aswell take advantage that.)
  • Make a custom keyboard (It'd be fun and interesting to design and build a keyboard from the ground up.)
  • DevOPs (It's pretty useful and it seems fun. FOLLOW UP FROM LATER DATE: After having done some DevOPs for this site I can comfortably say it's p a i n. Althought, it is quite fun)