Welcome to my minuscule and insignificant corner of the web!
Please don’t expect anything of quality from this website.
Half of what you’ll see here are the ramblings of a madman and projects I’ve tinkered with.
If you’d like to link to my page, firstly thanks ♡(。-ω-), secondly click here!
If you use GPG you can download my GPG key here
Some projects I’ve done in the past:
This awful website has taken me far to long to make and go live, with many hiccups along the way. It's meant to have an early internet vibe but I don't really think I pulled it off. This website still isn't finished and any feedback on how I could improve it would be greatly appreciated!
Simple app for kaemojis
I personally prefer emoticons to emojis and find it annoying to open a browser just to go to http://kaomoji.ru/ so I thought of making a simple app for it using egui which can be opened with a single key press.
of course once I start this the website goes down ( ̄  ̄|||)
Current projects I’m working on are:
I find screen recording for code timelapses to be an overly cumbersome process so I've started building a tool that takes in a text input and renders it to a timelapse video. The main usage of this would be to feed it the results of $ diff -u file1 file2
and have it produce a timelapse of all the file changes as an mp4. I've already started working on this project and I plan on releasing it under a Common clause BSD 3.0 license.
TUI based game engine (Name undecided)
I'm unaware of any simple game engines (This is more of a framework) for creating games for the terminal so I think it'd be fun to make something to do so. I want it to provide templates for output, easy to use bindings for audio playback and the ability to display images to the terminal either as text or using new image api's. I'll probably write a core framework for use in Rust and library interfacing then make a full app using egui or iced which provides node based editing for scenes and scripting with Lua.
I run a small custom pin manufacturing thing and I'm planning on creating a website for it so that I can ship globally ^^. The website will be like your average ecommerce with an area where you can browse premade pins, wholesale enamel pins and design a custom 25mm badge. Pins will hopefully be shipped world wide with payments handled by stripe. We will not hold any user data besides records of purchases and custom badge order ids, these invoices and designs will be stored anonymously with the user having to remember their order id. We already have the domain for it! http://pins-and-badges.com
The wired (Name undecided, sadly can't use the wired lmao)
Since Zuccie boy and the rest of the rich twats are pushing for VR, I thought it'd be funny to make an FOSS way to view the
I was one of the current maintainers for Catppuccin Emacs.
If you checkout my Github and Gitlab profiles you can look throught my contributions. I will highlight the big ones here.
If you have a website with a 88x31, please send it to me and I may add you here <3