BBC Micro

Home page

Welcome to my minuscule and insignificant corner of the web!
Please don’t expect anything of quality from this website.
Half of what you’ll see here are the ramblings of a madman and projects i’ve tinkered with.

I self-host the majority of things linked to on this site because:

  • I like privacy
  • I am cheaper than Mr. Krabs 🦀
Local Network Cat

If you use GPG you can download my GPG key here


Some projects I’ve done in the past:

This awful website has taken me far to long to make and go live, with many hiccups along the way. It's meant to have an early internet vibe but I don't really think I pulled it off. This website still isn't finished and any feedback on how I could improve it would be greatly appreciated!

Current projects I’m working on are:

Matric (Name is WIP)

The goal for this is to have a cross platform chat app that can interact with multiple standard chat protocols like matrix, irc, XMPP, Revolt. Started originally for SvelteHack but I couldn't complete it in time. (feel free to suggest names ♥)

Some jackbox clone

I played jackbox with some friends and instead of actually buying it, I decided to make a far crappier version of it. I'm going to experiment with Go and use it for the backend. I will also tryout a different frontend framework (React maybe 👀) since only using Svelte won't broaden my knowledge.

Simple app for kaemojis

I personally prefer emoticons to emojis and find it annoying to open a browser just to go to so I thought of making a simple app for it using egui which can be opened with a single key press.
of course once I start this the website goes down ( ̄  ̄|||)

(I might not even do any of these)


Catppuccin is for sex havers

I am one of the current maintainers for Catppuccin Emacs.
If you checkout my Github and Gitlab profiles you can look throught my contributions. I will highlight the big ones here.

Made with MacOS Made with Neovim No cookies Webdesign is my passion :3 AGPL-3.0